Batch of Brownies

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Welcome, Troop 389's Parents!

Hi, parents! Welcome to the Batch of Brownies Blog. It's currently being re-designed, so right now it looks pretty basic. Check back this weekend for a much more useful web page.

I'll only post web-safe information here, fyi; please don't worry about privacy issues. This will just be a convenient spot where you can go if you forget my e-mail address, need to check our group's calendar, or need to download a permission slip for a field trip we're planning. (Your girls don't continuously lose the forms and fliers they bring home like mine do, do they? Nah!)

If you want me to send you an e-mail whenever I update this site, just add your e-mail in the comments to this post and I'll take care of it.

Thanks! - Carolyn Bahm
Leader, Troop 389